Latest Past Events

Yoga in the Square

Come join us on Sunday after the race for Yoga in the Square. Take part in a FREE yoga session provided by one of our local yoga studios as we relax and recharge together to wrap up the weekend. Bring your friends and your mats and come stretch out on the lawn at one of […]

Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon & 5K

The Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon and 5K aren’t ordinary – they are extraordinary! No matter which race you choose, they are strategically routed through historic Savannah, through beautiful squares, parks, and stunning streets. Find course details, race benefits, and start/finish line locations to be as prepared as possible for race day!

Brooks Fashion Fitness Expo

Fashion Fitness Expo presented by Brooks At the Brooks Fashion Fitness Expo, we aim for this time to serve as the ultimate relaxation event to kick off your weekend right. This is more than just packet pick up, but a chance for you to meet with some of our local stores and shops. Bring your […]


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